Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Muhammad Haque daily world ethicality commentary examining the rising tide of corrupt and lack of morality in the behaviour of the Gordon Brown regime

Muhammad Haque daily world ethicality commentary examining the rising tide of corrupt and lack of morality in the behaviour of the Gordon Brown ‘administration'’.

How Peter Hain’s allegedly unique imbroglio is in fact and on the facts part and parcel of the corruption that is endemic in the Britain that Gordon Brown so ridiculously boasts about.

When Brown imperiously utters the imperialistic slogans and couches them all in his even more ridiculously irrelevant and inappropriate phrase pronounced in his ridiculously placed and contrived pro-racist accent as ‘British vah-loos’ does he do that in the knowledge that right across the inner cities in the UK ‘mainland’ where most of the impoverished people ‘live’, there are cabals of Blair-praising, Gordon Brown-applauding careerists, little time servers and propagandists that are funded under various corrupting UK state schemes and that these cabals are there only to be used to keep the largest numbers of the deprived, the impoverished under control?

And that he, Gordon Brown ‘knows’ that these cabals are made up of exhibition-standard ethnicity-linked surrogates, ethnic surrogates who will be put on parade via the BBC and assorted other corrupting ‘mainstream’ ‘media’ whenever the thrust of the new Discrimination, the new inequality that Brown is plotting, is felt by the majority of the targeted people in the inner cities?

Does he, Gordon Brown, mean the likes that the beleaguered and corruption-careerist ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone has been wheeling out at regular publicity intervals recently?

Does Brown also feel ‘assured’ that the likes of the state-sponsored agents of racism in Britain today, as personified and typified by Trevor the Terrible P-lips, will serve on as the couriers of the message from the Devil’s pulpit and seek to spread the gospel of lies and preach to the emaciated, the destitute the deprived and the denied in the inner cities for acceptance of corruption that Gordon Brown wants to infect the ordinary people across these area with?

[To be continued]